Thursday, April 1, 2021

Cocoa Beanie and the Blog

 Ummm... oh dear... errr... ***nibbles on tail... not a good sign in a mouse!****

Oh hello... ummm... I'm not sure how to say this...

You know how... ummm... I was secretly looking for some couch surfing places...

... so I could get back to England to be with my cousins... 

Well... errr.... Sandy found out about that and... I think his nose got a bit out of joint...

We had a bit of a tiff over it, actually and... he left me this message...

I know... I can't quite believe it. I mean... it's not like I wanted my own blog... or anything... or that he was a bad host... not at all!

I mean, I think we've been getting along great but... I guess...

... leaving him out of the loop was NOT a good idea... and posting that post without him knowing about it... definitely not a good idea....

What to do... ???? Sniff...


Got you good, didn't we??? hahahahahah!!!!! ***rolling in laughter***