Monday, February 15, 2021

Winter Came!!

 We got snow!!!! A good 6" or so which isn't too bad...

Let's go for a hike... ummm...

We might need some help with this as there is no trail... just waist deep... or nose deep snow all over!

Sooo pretty!

Whew... it's hard work slogging through the snow. Let's take a rest break...

It's been quite cold (almost -10C) and we wanted to see if the lake was frozen.

Maybe part of it... but most of it looks ice free. Sigh... we coulda gone skating!

"I just have to say... as a mouse from Mouse Island where we had coconut palms... this snow stuff is new for me! Did you know... it's cold AND wet!!"

"Oh, hey... look at me!! I'm light enough that I can sit... and maybe walk on the snow. There's a definite perk to being a small stuffie!"

Right then... we are down by the lake and there was some debate as to whether this icy looking surface was ice... and then Mama stuck her fingers in it. Nope, it's mostly a few inches of slush on some ice... Hmmm... is your butt feeling as wet as mine?

OK the... so the snow we are sitting on has got slush ice underneath it too! 

And Mama put her boot on the slush ice... just to test it... nope... not stable!

Well... so much for skating!

"That's OK, I'll just take your word that it's a lot of fun but..."

My butt is seriously snow caked!!

Let's head home and have a snack!!

OK... we're ready for our snack!!! My snow suit was completely soaked...

And my vest is not too bad but my little butt is soaked! Can't change into a drier butt, unfortunately.

But a snack will definitely help...

We're ready!!

Wait? Still with the half-sized brownies?? And now we have to share a fork too??? sigh...

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