Thursday, April 30, 2020

Fire and Flowers

Yes, it is I, intrepid Explorer Sandy Bear... wandering through the wilderness of the backyard. Someone really needs to mow the lawn!!

Whew... pooped! Time to rest and...

Have a campfire!

And no campfire would be complete without smores... I know some little bears in the American Midwest you might be drooling right about now.

It's so nice to sit in front of the fire in the warm spring sunshine. Speaking of which...

Our primroses are doing great!

As are the Grape Hyacinths...

Our bush peas are coming up - first year trying the bush variety.

We might need to protect them with egg shells as it looks like slugs have had a nibble or two...

And the mesclun is coming up...

And some baby kale too...

No sign of the parsnips yet...

How is your garden doing??

In the greenhouse we have some mesclun and radishes growing... as well as some tomatoes from the store...

Here we have some leeks...

and garlic...

With more leeks and then some scallions planted in front...

And tiny baby kohlrabi popping up...

 Are you planting any veggies this year?


  1. That is quite a garden! You look very handsome sitting among the primroses.

  2. The garden looks great. Our seeds are starting to sprout too. Almost time to start thinking some of the peas and lettuce. Roasting g marshmallows for s'mores? I hope you are also going to cook a few brats over that fire

    1. It's definitely spring... you can practically watch the leaves unfolding. No brats this time... sigh.
