Tuesday, April 21, 2020

New Passport

Ah-hem... as some of you may recall... I got a new passport last year when I was in London...

I even got an official stamp in it!

But... er... there was only one small problem...

The, um, cover is completely blank still...

Still!! I know...

And the interior is not much better...

It's amazing I was able to come back here from England!

 But we are going to remedy that today... first up... official passport photos.

 Wait... how are my ears?

Noooo... not like that!

That's better...

These passports have beary strict particulars about how big the photograph can be...

And I'm going to need some supplies...

Yes... I am the official Passport Issuer for the Republic of Bears... if you must know...

Supplies... what are my options...

Some fine-tip markers and pencil crayons... excellent.

Official passport photo paper...

That looks pretty good on the screen, doesn't it?

And now... tweak it to the right size...

And print... the printer is making whirring and clicking noises but...

Ah, there we go!

Looks good...

I certainly am a handsome little bear!

And double-check the measurements... 1.5" wide by...

2 inches tall... perfect.

Now... it's to produce the passport...

Photograph goes in first...

 Looking good!

And then the particulars got filled out...

One step closer to a legal passport!


  1. BRILLIANT!!! And it never expires? Wow....!

  2. Republica of Bears? Where is the capital city?

    1. Why yes, Republic of Bears. Capital is Bearingia... a sunken city between Russia and Alaska...

  3. Nice! You are a very photogenic little bear.

    1. Why thank you! As long as my ears behave themselves...

    2. Ah yes...the dreaded "bad ear day." If all fails, be like me and wear a hat :)

    3. A hat goes a long way during these viral times!

  4. I like your outfit. I think every stuffie should have a suit and tie.
