Monday, November 12, 2018

An Autumn Outing

Oh my goodness... look at all the leaves!

We came at the perfect time of year...

For yellow leaves that is...

We're going for a little hike today, just to check out the mountain.

There's the carcass of an old car...

I think that's part of the motor... maybe...

Keep up people!

Ooohhhh... this would make a great lair for a cave bear!

Ummm...I sure hope this rock is propped up well!

Sooo... it's October and you'd think there'd be mushrooms out but... it's been quite dry up here and they haven't received the fall rains that they normally get sooo... not a single mushroom!

And this would have been prime mushroom territory.

Oh well...

Oooh... a viewpoint!

So pretty....

So very, very pretty...

I like this place.

 We saw some Hammie-Red berries as well!

And came across this mural that bridges fantasy with reality!

And for dinner... Gramma is making chicken!

I know a certain fox who might be drooling right now!


  1. Hikes and chicken? Save me some....I'm coming up.

  2. A hike and chicken from grandma!?!? You are one lucky bear. We'll pick up Little Fox and be right over!

  3. Replies
    1. Oops... you're right... good help is hard to find - as you know so well!
