Saturday, August 11, 2012

Bear Olympics - Staring Contest - Medal Ceremony

After much deliberation and an Excel spreadsheet... the votes have been tabulated. Due to an uneven number of votes cast for different contestants (some had 2 votes, some had 3, some had 4), the judges divided each contestant's total score by the number of votes cast... So... drum roll please...

The Winners of the 2012 Bear Olympics Staring Contest are...

Gold - Hammie Hamster - average score - 9.125!
Silver - Buttons the Bear - average score - 8.75!
Bronze - a 3-way tie - Team Tango, Ben & Team Sandy - average score - 8.167!
Pewter - Sullivan McPig - average score - 7.83

(Cheering Squad on deck)

The 3-way tie for Bronze is going to play havoc with the prizes but... be assured... all contestants will receive their prizes in due course (after Sandy's trip to Europe).

Mailing addresses can be sent to littlecanadianbear @


  1. Yeah! We won a medal! Ben is so excited. Everyone did a beary fantastic job! Thanks for hosting the event Sandy! Have a safe trip to Europe!

  2. It was fun! But next time... I may do voting the way you guys did, less work that way!

  3. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! Team Tango Won a Medol!!!!
    They're so HAPPPYYYYY!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!

  4. Congratulations to everyone great job! The bearlympian team here is very excited about our win.
