Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Spring has Sprung!

 Hullo! It is officially the first day of spring and...

The garden is in full bloom, well maybe not all of it... but the plum tree is for sure!

And you know what spring also means??

Lawn mowing!! It was almost 6 inches tall in spots! And I know some stuffies (Hello, Jerry & Ben) might still be up to their bearpits in snow but... here... we have greenery!

The hyacinths are just about ready to pop.

And the hydrangeas are putting out leaves.

Tulips are out of the ground too...

Ah-hah! Here we have... ummm... what's it called again? Hell's a Bore? Noooo... Hellebore! (Close enough!). They are beary pretty!

And our very own heritage primroses which come in 3 fetching shades of pink.

They are soooo hardy and start blooming in February!

And the plum treeeeee!!!! Guess what... I saw beeeeessss on the plum blossoms!

Let's see... what else... well the garlic is poking up.

The crocuses are on their final days.

The grape hyacinth are just starting. Did you know that Hyacinth in the Bridgerton series is named after Grape Hyacinths? Good thing they didn't call her "Grape Hyacinth"!

And the snow drops are long done.

Nothing happening in the greenhouse yet except some rogue foxgloves that need to get dug up.

But tomatoes will be coming!

So in the veggie section... really... we have garlic and... chives! Lots and lots of chives....

Oooh... do you see it? Up in the sky?

There... those little black spots...

Here... 30x zoom! There were two bald eagles (you can tell my their white heads and tails).

Right then... the weather is supposed to turn a bit cooler again but...

That is a perfect time to have a campfire!





  1. Yeah spring. At first, I thought the visitors in the sky would be Canada Goose coming home....

    1. Oh we've seen them too. I don't think they really left this year.
