Saturday, March 16, 2024

Sandy Bear Virtual Fossil Hunter

Hullo! I don't think I mentioned this in any earlier blogs but... in January I toddled my way through the Jurassic Coast Conqueror Challenge.

It was only 160 km or so... and went by fairly quickly.

The reason I chose that challenge... well... you'll see!

That was my bib number... not a lot of people have done this one!

And here's the medal!!!

The ribbon has ammonites on it!

Isn't it pretty... see the ammonite shaped street lamps?

The back has as Plesiosaur that was discovered by Mary Anning way back in the olden days.

But wait... there's more!!!

See that bit? It comes off!! And if you turn it over...

Whhhhaaaa!!!! It's an ammonite!!

Is that not cool???

I loves it!

It will be a few months (a couple of years?) before I finish the next challenge... the virtual Pacfic Crest Trail Challenge. 4000 km... it's going to take a while...