Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Helping Gramma in the Garden

 So today was a big day! I went and helped Gramma in the garden. She always does such a good job with it.

Her kale is looking beary good!

Tomatoes are coming along nicely!

And some scarlet runner beans of course.

And then... I lost Mama for most of the day. It was her high school reunion (a prize to the stuffie who guesses the correct number!) and so there was a parade with a float... I declined to ride down Main Street on a float!!

But I do approve of the class mascot - a bear!!!

I spent some time checking out Gramma's painted rocks in the garden!

These aren't rocks but Gramma repainted these a few years back and did an awesome job!

A kittie!!!

And little houses...

This elf is doing a great job of tending this garden!

Hello turtle!!!

Oh wow... that is a super-duper painted house!!! Soooooo cute!!!

So... guess what... it's our last night here and Mama went to a reunion banquet. Guess what they got for dinner... chicken!!! And guess what I got??

Yep... sockeye salmon!!!!

I think Gramma has a great sense of humour!!! heheheheh...


  1. Baxter here: Salmon so much better than chicken, of course LF would disagree. I'm not taking the bait on the reunion number....seems some things best be left alone. My roommate has his reunion next year, probably going to pass on that one. Of course, if they have a float that might be worth it.
