Wednesday, October 11, 2023

An Esteemed Guest!

 There was a knock at the door... is it Cocoa and Navy? Returning home??? Who can it be??

OMG!! It's Little Fox!!! You're early!

"I had some good connections and there were some stand-by seats and well... here I am!!"

Awww, buddy, it's soooo good to see you!!!! Are you hungry? Thirsty??

"Starving, actually. Do you know they only serve one packet of measly pretzels on the flights now? And my sekrebearies only gave me a packet of cashews for the trip!"

Cashews?? For a fox??? Hmph. Don't you worry... we've got just the ticket!!!

"Roast chicken!!!"

***munch munch***

That is one hungry fox!!!

I've so glad you're here L.F. There is soooo much we can do while you're here!!

We can do some gardening and canning and hiking... oh, and the campfire ban has been lifted so we can roast s'mores...

Oh, and of course, some archaeological sites. I'd really be interested in your expert opinion because I've been a bit flummoxed on some of them...

And... wait... are you OK???
"Oh yeah... just a bit tired..."

A bit????
"....zzzzz.... snore.... snort... zzzz"

Ain't this always how it happens. The poor traveler arrives exhausted and the host just wants to yammer away at them!

Right, time to haul this little fox off to bed so he can sleep!

There we go, sleep well!

Pssst... do you want see something cool?

Aren't the backyard garden lights pretty??? Oh... my head is in the way!

There... aren't they pretty??? We'll have to have a campfire out there one evening... or multiple evenings!!


  1. Baxter here. Wow, roasted chicken? What a nice meal.....the humans, under intense scrutiny and direct interigation finally admitted that they sent Little Fox with cashews because they were the cheapest items at the store. All of those things sound like so much fun.

    1. Wow. Cashews are the cheapest down there? Here it would be peanuts. He was starving!

  2. Baxter here again. Correction, all of those activities sound like fun.
