Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Sandy Departs for Jerry & Ben

 ***Editor's Note - this is a pre-recorded episode***

Well... I'm off to visit Jerry and Ben! Catching a Seagulls Airways connecting flight to Vancouver and then Canada Goose Airlines all the way to Minnesota!

The flight departs just after sunrise... and it's been soooo cold here! I hope it's warmer in MN. I did pack shorts and a t-shirt... fingers crossed!

And there comes the sun!!

Cocoa wishes he could come but we could only find one available seat on Seagull Airways soooo... sorry Cocoa!!!

I think I see my flight coming in now!! Gotta run!

See you guys later!! Bye Cocoa!!!

And just like that... he's off... Sniff... What's that saying? When the cat's away the mice will play. Hmph... more like... when the bear's away, the mouse will play!


  1. No fair at all that Cocoa got left behind. He's small, he could've fit on the bird plane.....

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Droopy! The flight down was great! The flight back... well, you're read the news about long lineups... customs is a nightmare!

  3. Safe travels Sandy. Cocoa are you going to visit a cheese factory or check out the local grilled cheese scene while Sandy is adventuring?

    1. Apparently Cocoa went a bit farther than the local cheese factory!

  4. Just gotta say... when the bear's away... the mouse will play! Unsupervised mice get into a LOAD of mischief!
