Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Mystery Mail!

***Editor's Note*** - Sandy is actually in the USA at the moment... this is a pre-recorded episode...

We received some mail!!

And... it's addressed to Sherlock Sandy (that's me) AND Cocoa!!! Yay!!

Cocoa is beary happy but wonders if it should be Dr. Cocoa Watson (sigh... give them an inch and they take a mile!)

Anyhow... it's from the Ministry of Puzzles!

We haven't had mail from the Ministry for quite a while... likely due to staffing issues and supply chain issues. You know how it is.

And at the bottom it says... "Please Help"!!!

There are 2 pieces of mail in here.... this letter...

And this blank page...

Let's look at the letter first...

It says...
"Dear Sherlock Sandy,
I am dispatching this letter to you with great urgency in
hopes that you will receive it in time.
My trip to [burnt out part] did not go as planned. In fact, it was
a total disaster. I cannot carry out my duties to return the
[insect chew piece] to its rightful owner. As a fellow adventurer, I
ask that you complete my mission.
I trust that you will keep this a secret, as the fate of the
world depends on it...
Ajdin Adilovic

Wait... what???!!!! The fate of the world!!?? This letter was mailed on May 2 and we just got it!! What is going on with the postal service when the fate of the world could rest on this letter???!!

"Keep this a secret"... should be blogging about this???

And what's with the blank piece of paper??

Oh wait... there are very faint marks on it... 

Perhaps it was written with invisible ink!!!

But how do we make it visible?

Will it tell us what is in the missing bits of the letter??

And who were the insects that chew that word out???



  1. Actually, I wonder if it's glow in the dark ink that was used? Quick, turn all the lights off!!!

    1. We tried that too... and checked with the Minister of Puzzles. Nope, it's lemon juice. Hmph.
