Saturday, September 25, 2021

Rock Painting with Rose

 Well... this is quite the production. The dining room table has been taken over by Rose! She is going to teach us rock painting... we have paints... and rocks... and brushes and dotting tools...

Stuffies and paint would seem to be a not-great combination but... we are going to keep a watchful eye on loaded paintbrushes and stay away!

Otto would like to point out that he helped find some of these river rocks... the best ones are always under water!

Cocoa Beanie is beary excited that we are doing something "crafty" as he comes from a beary long line of crafty mice!

Just a digression to say that Rose was visiting Gramma earlier this summer and they took up rock painting with a vengeance!

They even went to the big river island and collected beautiful round rocks. We couldn't that many down here but they had tonnes at Gramma's place.

And they painted some beautiful rocks too!!


Ahhh... a cute lady bug!!

But we are going to start with a relatively easy type of rock... the mandala style that really only needs a dotting tool. Rose is going to show us how it goes... First you put a base coat on the rock...

Then... she used a dotting tool to make a centre circle and a smaller tool to put more circles around it...

We learned two things about Rose... she has a beary steady hand and excellent vision!

See... more circles/dots.

I'm a bit skeptical about how Mama is going to manage this but... 

Rose is doing a great job!

More dotting tools...

Wow... all with just a few dotting tools... and a steady hand.

Right then... we've got to try our own paw at this...

Rose says we'll do fine... hmmm...

Rose suggested we find something off of Pinterest to copy so we picked this one. It looks relatively easy (hah!).

Well... it looks not bad... but it's tricky figuring out which size of dotting tool to use!

But it's not about perfection...

Seee... that looks OK!

No, really, it does!!

Here's the two that Mama finished before Rose had to leave and took all her paints with her. We have to go and buy some now!

Mama's next project might be to do a Barbapapa family! We have lots of rocks that look blobbish...

And other people have been on Pinterest posting their photographs of Barbapapa rocks!