Sunday, September 12, 2021

Beary Special Mail

 I got mail!! Like, a package!!

I wonder... it's got a bee sticker on it... probably from a fellow honey-aficionado!

Do you know any pro-honey stuffies? Me too!


A beary pretty card... so simple and yet...

Sooo cool!
Ah-hah!! It's from Jerry and Ben!

I miss my pals... sigh... this pandemic is mucking with my travel schedule!

The post card is from Quill and Fox... I wonder if that's a side-gig for Little Fox?

They have a honey jar sticker on the back too...

Thanks guys!!

Now there was also a package in here... but wait... what's that blue thing?

O... M... G... it's an Ikea bag!! 

And a perfect size for a little bear! It would be a perfect beach bag... or a snack bag or... the possibilities are endless!

Thanks guys! I love it!

Now... back to this present... very artfully wrapped too. And I like the red and white colours (Go Canada!).

Wait... what... those are the colours of Gryffindor!!

Could it be... a Beary Potter scarf??

Yes!! From the Build a Bear workshop! Those things are usually too big for us little bears but...

It's perfect! I love it! Thanks guys!! Now I just need a robe...