Wednesday, September 22, 2021

More Mail!

Hullo! I received another post card a few weeks ago... This one is from Isle Royale National Park.

That wolf has quite the penetrating stare...

But so do I... see... penetrating... stare!

Anyhow, the card is from Jerry & Ben! They went hiking on the island this past summer. Cool!

The island is just south of Thunderbay and if the border had taken a southern dive instead of a northern one, the island would have been in Canada!

There are other weird border divets... like the one where MB, ON and MN all meet...

Not sure who came up with that weird jiggity-jog north. Apparently it was because of faulty maps when the border was being negotiated... That whole area is called The Northwest Angle or just The Angle... strange!

And... just west of The Angle is this little bit of weirdness... Elm Point... which is part of MN while everything north of that line is Canada. And there's an even tinier bit just west of there... see... where that inlet is?

Yup, there's another little bit sticking into the USA.

And let's not event talk about Point Roberts WA which has been having absolutely no fun during this pandemic...

Apparently there's even a petition circulating in the USA to give The Angle to Canada. There aren't a lot of people there... makes sense...

There are also a couple of tiny USA enclaves in Vermont. I could only find one for Canada though - Akwesasne, QC.

Fascinating stuff! Thanks for the postcard J & B!


  1. Hard to beat you in a staring contest, for sure!

  2. I knee about point Robert's but not the other ones. I feel for those Washingtonian at Point Roberts.

    1. Yes, the Point Roberts people are having a really rough time.

  3. Clearly, a stuffy bear did not decide on those boarders...we have way more common sense!
