Saturday, August 28, 2021

Ruins in the Forest

 Hullo... we are continuing our sunrise river adventure and found this trail along the hydro line. Which is good but... off in the forest... we saw something beary interesting.

Do you see it??? Some sort of ruins!

Which someone has painted of course... It looks like the foundation of a house or something.

There are chunks of concrete everywhere.

There's a whole row of these... wonder if there were houses here at one point, back 80-100 years ago?

We also found bits and pieces of things...

And stairs to nowhere.

A room with a view?

We think it looks better with stuffies in the view!

And somebody's left painted rocks here as well.

And an antique corner sink... some home restorer would probably love to have that a fix it up!

As you can see... in April the leaves were just starting to come out...

And there was even some frost on things! Brrr... frost...

We followed the hydro line trail to the end and came to this... private property with a no trespassing sign. Looks like they cleared the land for something. Probably another subdivision. Those are popping up like mushrooms with house prices being so ridiculous!

That's too bad... I bet a lot of squirrels lost their homes when the land was cleared...

And... more adventure to come!


  1. Cool adventure. Refinishing that old sink seems like a project for Handy Sandy

    1. It was an interesting sink for sure. Might be a bit of a heavy schelpp out of the forest though.

  2. That house definitely has an "open-concept design," heh heh heh.
