Friday, July 23, 2021

Sticker Mail!

Hullo! I received more mail... I know, this is the summer of Mail! But... it's mystery mail.

See... it's from Montreal. And we don't know nobody in Montreal...

It's also "Happy Mail"....

I wonder what it could be?

Ooooh... it's a gorgeous bear sticker!!!

I love bear stickers!!

And it's from my pal Ajdin... I didn't enter a contest or anything and... I guess Ajdin is just sending stuff out to all his pals.

Awwww... that's so nice!! Thanks Ajdin!

Now, where to put it... this is the other sticker Ajdin sent a few years ago...

Maybe I could put this new one on the water bottle too?

I could stick it above the Canadian Blood Donation sticker...

I think that's what I'll do... but, wait... there's more!

There are some other stickers in here.

They are antique botanical drawings.. cool.

I think this one is upside down... we got out the magnifying glass but the print is too pixelated to read what the plants are.

No idea...

Still... Ajdin knows I am a budding botanist so these are beary nice!

There we go! I love that sticker!!

P.S. Rose was here in early July but... guess what... we are getting more Distinguished Guests this coming week!! Wonder who it could be?


  1. Jerry and Ben? Cool stickers. PS. Looks like you got a cool sticker for giving blood. Society says thank you

  2. Nice stickers! Ajdin is a very generous bear.

    1. He is! These stickers come out of the blue. Surprise mail is the best!

  3. Budding Botanist??? We need to take you to Kew Gardens then.....!

  4. That's cool it arrived! I think the plant stickers were an added bonus surprise!

    1. I think so too... they have no stick on the back so needed an glue stick to get them to adhere. But cool nonetheless!
