Friday, July 2, 2021

More Bear Mail!

 Hullo!! I got more mail... from Boundary Waters, Minnestota... 

It's a beary pretty card with a peaceful lake and a canoe... I wonder if there are fish in that lake?

It's from Jerry & Ben!! They are having a great holiday exploring the Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota. Lots of hikes, "roughing it" by the campfire (I've seen pictures... roughing it means a nice lodge with a fireplace!), and smores!! Well, that's good!! At least they are getting some good snacks.

We are in the middle of a heatwave here... +37 C (ugh!! - that's somewhere around 100F I think), which is beary unusual for us. Normally we are in the high 20s in the summer. So we need to find some water ourselves! Oh... and we are getting a beary distinguished visitor coming from the mainland (2 visitors actually)... can you guess who? (Hint... one's a human and one's a stuffie!)


  1. @Beanie - you are a savvy mouse!!
    @LF - clever fox!

  2. Glad the card arrived! Keep cool over there--Jerry suggests a day at the pool, followed by ice cream.
