Friday, July 16, 2021

Crafting with Rose

Sooo... we did a lot of swimming adventures with Rose but... we also played games (UNO - Rose is a card shark), and started watching the Marvel movies in timeline order (Captain America, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, Avengers, Thor: Dark World, Iron Man 3, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy...) Whew... And, on top of that... Rose wanted to share some crafting with us - she makes friendship bracelets!

That's a LOT of thread!!

The bracelet making involves a cardboard disk and 7 threads...

And you do some magic and... a bracelet gets spit out the bottom. Where'd she learn this... TikTok...

She showed Mama how to do it and I ordered a bracelet for myself... I just needed to pick out colours...

I think I got it!!

Mine's going to be green!

Here it comes!!

Rose made one for Otto...

These are some of the ones Rose has finished - she's really fast!

Otto's is done already because (a) he has a smaller forearm and (b) Mama is slower and Rose is faster!

Seee... nice colours...

But... mine was ready pretty quick too...

The green matches the green on my shorts and hat!

Now we both have friendship bracelets to seal the friendship!

Rose is also working on a couple of other ones... a blue one... for a stuffie pal... and a red one for another pal. She says we could turn them into belts too... if they were long enough... That might work better for the more petit stuffie pals...


  1. Nice work. Thats a lot of movies to watch. Which series is next? Indiana Jones? Back to the future? Ghostbusyers?

    1. Ugh. We are still working through Marvel! Rose dragged us to a movie theatre to see Black Widow last week. First time in a theatre in 3 years. The humans were all googley eyed!

  2. That looks awesome! I like the colors you chose. I would pick blue and green.

  3. Very nice bracelets. My human is VERY behind on the Marvel movie series...tsk tsk.

    1. We had only ever seen Captain America soooo... we are getting quite an education!

  4. So cool! Rose could start a business!
