Sunday, September 29, 2019

Beach Bears continued

We had a great little hike the other day - that is Shack Island in the background... and you can see that the tide is really low and we could walk to it if we wanted to but... if the tide came up and we weren't paying attention, we'd have to swim back!

 It's so nice here though... And we decided that it might be fun to play hide and seek. Since Ben has no shoes on... he's It!

"One one thousand, two one thousand..."

Pssstttt!!! Look... over here!

Jerry and I found a perfect hiding spot!!

We are going to be beary beary quiet in here...

"...forty nine one thousand... fifty one thousand... ready or not... here I come!"

"I wonder where they could be..."

"It doesn't look like they are on the beach."

"Oooh.... look at that... a hollow log!"

"I wonder...."

"Boo!!! Nope... they are not in here... wait... what is that sound?"

"It sounds like a tummy grumbling... it sounds like Jerry's tummy grumbling!"

"Ooof... up here maybe... at least I'll get a good view..."

"Hah!!! Found you!!"
"It's about time... we are starving!! Time for a snack!"