Saturday, September 8, 2018

Postcard Mail!

Hello! We received some postcards in the mail today! Or rather... I received postcards! I get more mail than anyone else in the house... and it's always cool mail - like letters, parcels and postcards. No bills for me. Ahhhh... such is the life of a stuffie.

This first one is from Little Fox. He went to Lake Tahoe. I thought he was just in Ohio and Kentucky but... he is a quick one that Little Fox. Did you know you can see 100 feet below the surface in Lake Tahoe? It's a beary clean, cold lake. Nice!

Thanks LF!!

The next one is from Minnesota... Hmmm... I wonder who it could be from?

It's from Jerry and Ben! Of course... they went to a cabin on the lake and had a real holiday. Beary nice. They seem to find really plush stuffy accommodations... their cabin even had stuffie-sized Adirondack chairs. Thanks J & B!

Thanks everyone! I like getting mail... Although I am beary bad at sending mail... it's a sekrebeary thing is all I can say. Sigh.