Sunday, September 16, 2018

Drool Alert...

 Carnivore DROOL ALERT!!!

Mama came and said she had a surprise for me... Hmmm... I think she might be bucking for a boost in her sekrebeary evaluation marks...

I wonder what it could be...

In here? I hope it's not a puppy....

Oh... apples... fresh organic apples from a friend's place. Nice... ummm... really nice...

Oh? There's more... OK! (Good... cause apples might turn a vegetarian's crank but really don't merit a Carnivore Drool Alert!)

A pot of water...

And a bag of fresh...

Prawns!!! Oooohhh... big huge juicy fresh Pacific prawns...

Oh yum...

Our friends caught them this morning... and now they're in the water... they don't take long... drool....

Are you drooling???

I'm drooling... mmmmmm

And voila... they are done...

So many prawns... so little time...

We're going to eat now...

***burp***.... Those were soooo goooooddddd!

And we even had six left over cause, believe it or not, we were all full! I'll just put those in the fridge for a snack later... or an unexpected house guest maybe...

Cause you never know when a hungry stuffie friend might drop by... especially if they read this post!


  1. Replies
    1. OK! I'll save you a few... ***nom-nom*** welll.... maybe two... ***NOM*** ooops... maybe one... ah-hem...

  2. Sehen lecker aus, aber ich selbst hab noch nie welche gesehen oder gegessen. Hat sich irgendwie nie ergeben. Laß sie Dir schmecken. Guten Appetit <3

    1. Schmecken auch sehr lecker! Komm doch mal nach Kanada irgendwann - dann können wir die vonem Boot fängen! Mein Deutsch ist ein bißchen rostig...
