Friday, April 24, 2020

Passport Unveiling

Hello again, it is I Alexander M. Bear, official Passport Issuer of the Republic of Bears. I have been working beary hard on my own passport which expired more than a year ago (eeks)...

I am a bit limited in supplies given the pandemic and stay-at-home orders... but... I am making do.

That's what you do during a pandemic (or a world war)... Stay Calm and Make Do! (Or something)...

Hmmm... coming along nicely I would say...

And... here we are... the unveiling of my new passport... ready?

Are you sure? Ok!

Positive??? Ok!

Ta-dah!!!! Here we have it... the official new passport from the Republic of Bears...

Let's see...

Mel, Salmo et Exploratio... should be self-explanatory - Honey, Salmon and Exploration...

In the upper left quadrant we have a honey pot with bees on an Emerald Green background. The honey and bees are beary important for all bears. The green background signifies the meadows and fields where bees forage for flowers to make honey.

In the upper right quadrant, we have a sockeye salmon on an Ocean Blue background. The salmon is the primary food source of bears everywhere. The blue background signifies the oceans where the salmons swim and little bears frolic on its beaches...

In the lower half we have Ursa Minor on a Midnight Blue background. Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) is an important constellation in the northern hemisphere. The North Star lies at the tail tip of the Little Bear and is beary important for explorers navigating by the stars. The midnight blue background, obviously, is the nighttime sky. As a Little Bear and Explorer, I have a strong affinity for Ursa Minor! You may wonder why Ursa Minor has a long tail... me too... According to myth, "Two bears saved Zeus from his murderous father Cronus by hiding him on Mount Ida. Later Zeus set them in the sky, but their tails grew long from being swung up into the sky by the god." Cool...

And, in Metallic Gold, we have the official inscription of Republic of Bears...

Pretty good, eh?

And... with its completion, we got a couple of official Little Bear stamps to seal the deal and the photograph.

C'est Fini! Oh... and this is an entry in Beanie Mouse's First Inaugural International Stuffies Art Expedition!!! Cool!!!


  1. Nice job. Hopefully you can out that passport to good use soon

  2. That coat of arms is amazing! I should research my family's coat of arms...

    1. You should! I'm gonna guess there's bacon in there somewhere...

    2. I found a cool website about designing your own coat of arms.

  3. Coat of Arms (or paws) are really interesting!!! Always worth researching them to find your own!

  4. Oh it looks beary wonderful! I need a passport...
