Saturday, February 10, 2024

Snow followed by Bitter Cold

 We got a bit of snow last month. It was so unseasonably warm all through December but then January came through!

The forest always looks so pretty in the snow.

While we were out in the windows, I checked on my old cars... 

They look beary cool in the snow.

The snow covers up a multitude of defects and makes what remains look... strangely wonderful.

It's still not super cold though... so not sure how long the snow will stick around for.

The lake isn't frozen over and not sure if that will happen this year...

But it sure is pretty in the snow!

***A Few Days Later***

OK... I spoke too soon about no cold weather!!!

A polar vortex slid down into Canada, covering Alberta, Saskatchewan and part of BC. We are on the fringes of it so it's "only" -10C with -20C windchill. Brrrrrrr...

Our green onions look a bit sad. But they should be OK... claws crossed.

We still have a bunch of beets in the ground, but the cold should just make them sweeter!

We hope... There are some that are almost as big as my head (or bigger).

Will have to pull some and see!

The nasturtiums held on for sooo long but... this cold has definitely killed them off.

Still... we had nasturtiums blooming in January...

The greenhouse says it's only -5C (which is about 20F) it looks like... 

It might be a tad warmer in here or... it might just have warmed up this afternoon.

Hope you all are keeping warm wherever you are (or were!). Brrrr...

The cold does make pretty frost crystals on the windshield!


  1. Yep. That cold spell hit us with snow and ice. Hope you didn't lose power

  2. Nope, no power loss up here. Which is too bad, as I could have dipped into the hot chocolate emergency stash!

  3. The windshield crystals are beary cool!
