Saturday, February 3, 2024

Beary Special Mail Call

 Hullo! I received some mail over the last month (I know... delayed posting!)

First up is a card from Ajdin!

We did have a Merry Christmas! And yes, planning many wonderful and numerous adventures!

Thanks Ajdin!

Next up is a card from the UK...

Beanie Mouse must be using up their QE2 stamps... and I guess there was a postal hike judging by the 2p and 1p stamps used!

We'll be interested to see the new King Charles III coins... will that be KC3?

Beanie sent a card of... someone famous??

It's apparently a self-portrait of J.M.W. Turner. He looks a bit serious...

Ooooh... it's a riddle!!!!

For Sherlock Sandy!!!

Ya know... I think this hat qualifies as a deer-stalker hat!

 Let's see... a coin marking a 150th anniversary... heptagonal coin (that means 7 sided...) so that's a 50p coin... written tomes and poems...  We think it's the coin commemorating Public Libraries!

And finally... my latest Conqueror Medal!

A change of costume is in order... hang on a mo...

Ave!! It is I, Bearius Caeasar!

And I have completed the Hadrian's Wall challenge!

OK... this medal is heavy... hang on...

That's better! The Hadrian's Wall challenge is one of the first ones so it doesn't have an uber fancy medal... but my next challenge does!

What is my next challenge?? Stay tuned...


  1. HURRAAYYY!!! We need to get that coin in the post to you..... as well as the clue for the next one. Which we need to work out first....!! Ummm......

  2. You're getting super fit lately with all the challenges!

    1. Yep, lean and trim, that's this little bear. Although... don't tell the sekrebeary... but I am sneaking chocolate! A little bear needs to keep up their strength you know!
