Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Supply of Salmon!

 Hullo! You know, of course, that little bears LOVE salmon! Even big bears LOVE salmon. And this little bear is no exception! But not being a fisher bear... finding a good supply of salmon is an issue.

But... can I show you something?? Don't tell anyone, 'kay?

We have salmon!!!!! Sockeye Salmon!!! And yes... I did just wonder why they are called Sockeye and it's a poor translation of the Coast Salish word for this fish - suk-kegh - which means red fish.

Where did this salmon come from you ask? Shhh... a little bear never reals their supply source. Suffice to say it was a back alley deal (actually a back of vehicle deal)... shhhh....

Salmon... soooo much salmon!

But as you can see... the salmon, while being gutted, still has head and tail on sooo... we need to process it.

And given how messy this can be, I am going to supervise from a respectable distance.

Like... up here!

Sorry little salmon... but a bear's gotta eat.

Right then... how are we making out? Pretty good. Mama had to get the knife sharpener out at one point and that made a BIG difference!

But it does make a huge mess! 

And what are we going to do with the salmon heads and tails?

Bag them up of course and freeze them. They will make a great base for Sandy's Salmon Chowder.

Yum!! This little bear is well-stocked for winter salmon! How's your salmon supply?

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Mail Call!

Hullo! I know, I know, it's been forever since I blogged! Being a Bearbnb host is beary time-consuming you know! Supervising the humans... ugh... need I say more! Anyhow... I have some mail to share!

First up is a post card from Little Fox! It's a PCT post card - Pacific Crest Trail!

I want to do the PCT one day!!! Or at least a portion of it. The Oregon bit sound nice.

Little Fox is hoping I get some good hiking this season...

Yes, well... hiking hasn't been high on the list this year. A Bearbnb host is beary busy you know... But I will try the Bear Stare on Mama...

Or next mail is from Britain! You just know it's going to be from the Mischief of Mice.

I love that... "Mischief of Mice"... it is just soooo... true. Anyhow... did you notice the stamp on the envelope??

It's of King Charles!! It just looks sooooo... weird... so used to QE II!

I miss QE II... she was a classy lady.

Beanie threw on a few extra stickers... one for Growing Food Together! Love that!!!

And then the sticker "Par Avion"... which means it should come via Air Mail and be fast but, honestly, this letter too forever to get here!

Lots of cool stickers on the back too!

Let's see what's inside!!! Oooh... a pretty card!! Is that an "S" for Sandy???

Maybe this way? Nope... I think it's more of a "Z" but... cool nevertheless!

And there's something inside the card!!! 

It's a Bus Bingo Prize!!!! 

Yes, I know... I have been beary remiss in not tracking my Bus Bingo card but... ahem... the human lost it... (**misplaced... not lost**) for a bit... luckily Beanie kept track!

Can you see what it is??

Here.... It's PADDINGTON BEAR!!! At Paddington Station!!!!

And it's still got QE II on the back!

I love it!

Thanks LF and Beanie!!! Love getting mail!!! And yes... my sekrebeary has been beary remiss in not listening to my clamouring to write cards. Sekrebearies... that whole Covid thing really messed them up!