Saturday, February 5, 2022

Prize Mail!!

 We got some mail a couple of weeks ago. I know, I know... sekrebeary issues... but ya gotta work with them sometimes...

Well... technically... Sandy got mail!! Cause it's addressed to him... and it's from somebody we've never heard of!

Well, er... yes... it is addressed to me but...

Ooohhh... it's from a button place!!!

With a little note...

Hi Alexander, Thanks for the order (we didn't order anything!). I hope you enjoy it! You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram... @hcbuttons... xo....

Well, this is all beary mysterious....

It's a beary nice button though...

Can you see... it's got Canada and Canadian stuff all over it... like the flag and maple syrup and hte beaver and hockey sticks....

Oh, there's a note... What does it say?
"Hi Sandy!! Congrats on winning the Gold Medal in the 2021 Stuffie Summer Olympics!! Here is your prize! Happy New Year! Ajdin"

Oh, well that makes sense now!!! We entered the Stuffie Summer Olympics ages ago!! And Ajdin did post the results a few weeks ago... And we did win GOLD for the Waterfall Barreling competition.

But... says Cocoa... how come YOU get the prize??? I mean... there was me and Otto tooooooooo!!!! Is it because we are small??? Or is this bearism???? Do I need to go on strike???

This is a quandary isn't it??? (And a Cocoa strike is NOT a good idea!!)... But as a good team captain, I have a solution!! We will rotate the prize! The envelope was addressed just to me... because I'm the team captain... right! Sooo... the first rotation of the prize goes to Cocoa!!

Hooray!!! Oh, that all makes sense now!! Although... how come you ALWAYS get to be team captain?? Hmph.... Sizism.. that's why... and bearism... hmph!!! But I love my new pin!! Thanks Ajdin!!!


  1. HURRAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!! Sandy's good at sharin' isn't he?!?!!

  2. Doh! My secretary only sent one prize!? Shall I fire her again?

    Congrats again.. and I'm beary glad you can share :)
