Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Mail Problem...

Hullo!! There was a bunch of mail in the mailbox and normally a lot of it is for us but... take a look at this...

None of it is for us!!! Zero, zilch, nada, zippo!

How can that be??? And it isn't just today... this has been happening for the last few weeks. Mama says it's tax time... I say it's incredibly taxing on the stuffie psyche! 

Incredibly taxing...

... because even though Sandy says "we"... the truth is the mail is always addressed to him... just to him. Hmph... what am I? Chopped liver?? Chopped acrylic stuffing??? Hmph...

Uh-oh... I think we... er... I... have a problem on our hands!! There is discontent in the stuffie ranks and it's not just me... it is we! Maybe we are getting cabin fever! Mama took one look at our discontented eyes and...

We got to go on an outing. There are still some remnants of snowmageddon...

But there are also signs of spring!

We know Jerry will appreciate these pictures... hehheh...

And one more for good measure...

Right then... let's get this little hike on the road!

Looks like they knew we... er... I was coming. Cocoa wants to know why they never say "Caution... Mouse... in area"... er... well... let's give that some thought, shall we?

Lots of people out on the trails today...

But we are heading this way...

Just down there...

Ahhhhh... this is so much better...

Sometimes all a stuffie needs is some time outdoors... to just sit and soak up the sun and fresh air...

*** And we... er... I... hope that Cocoa Beanie is in a better frame of mind after this... Some chocolate might help too.


  1. Well I know there's a letter from us on the way..... guess it's going by carrier pigeon or somethin'.....

  2. I wonder if I can send cheese across the border? Cocoa, keep your paws crossed.

  3. @Beanie - we got your letter!
    @Droopy - yes... very much does Cocoa want mail. Must be a small stuffie thing...
    @Ajdin - nature is very good!
    @LF - Oooh... that would be lovely!
    @J&B - Thanks!
