Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Happy Bearthday to Me!

 Hullo!!! This was us yesterday... we are stowing away for another trip! I know... it sounds like we just got back from one but that trip to Gramma was at the end of September... our blog post schedule is all higgle-dee-piggle-dee! 

Anyhow... Otto is coming along with us because he got left behind last time Rose was here...

Alright gang, let's get snuggled in there. At least we're not sharing space with a monster zucchini!

Right then... we're on the ferry and Cocoa and Otto are snoozing away but I wanted to come out on deck to show you guys something...

Do you see it? Off on the horizon?

It's a beary good view of Mt. Baker!!

And there's the ferry terminal. We are taking the southern rote, to Tsawwassen... which is right near Point Roberts. The US border just opened so I'm sure they are beary happy now.

And here we are at Rose's place!!

This is Luna... also known as Buna... Boon-boon... boonerkins or other variations...

And then we went out this morning and we saw this car...

Ladurée!!! That's the place Beanie goes to in London with the macrons!!! And there's one here on Robson Street... let's go!! It's my bearthday today so I get to say... let's go!

And here we are...

Cocoa is beary excited because he's not been in a Ladurée before....

Yumm... drooling already!!

Look at all the macrons!!! We got a 6 pack box...

But we've got to wait till we're home to eat them... cause it's starting to rain again!

Right then... let's see what we got...

Two fancy cards...

and a fancy box with another card...

Goodness they are well wrapped!

Somebody break into that sticker!

Ooohh ahhhh... let's see... there are two chocolate covered hazelnut macrons, 2 coffee ones and 2 chocolate ones... They didn't have salted caramel... phooie...

I'm going to have a hazelnut one... mmmmmm

And Cocoa's having a chocolate one... yummers!!!


  1. Happy Bearday. Those cookies look amazing. Beanie and you have good taste. 7 11 sells macroons down here, I bet yours are tastier. Feel free to send some my way and I can do a comparison.

  2. On a side note I always wanted to live in point Robert's just because of the uniqueness of the border city. My mind changed pretty fast once the border closed down.

  3. Happy belated bearthday! My secretary definitely lost points for missing it. Hope it was a good one...

  4. Happy Belated Bearthday! Oy I am really missing the mark these days
