Monday, June 14, 2021

Flowers and Waterfalls

Hullo! We are exploring a local park today. We don't come down here all that often. But today, we are on a hunt... for totem poles!

But first... we found a meadow with a bunch of camas flowers... aren't they pretty?

They only bloom for a short period of time.

We also found some wild hyacinth - these ones are mostly purple with some pink thrown into the mix..

This is the river. I know... it doesn't look like much of a river. We'd call it a creek elsewhere but... I guess in the winter it merits the name of "river" because it goes wild!

We are poking around down here to see if we can find anything interesting...

Like totem poles... or birds... or... anything... cute little bridge.

Oh, well... this is interesting... it's the duck pond! But ducks were in short supply... they must be out somewhere else.

Salmonberries are blooming!! Notice how they are exactly the same shade of pink as Cocoa's vest... such a well-dressed mouse.

Oooh... the waterfall... that's nice. It's way more waterfally in the winter...

We also learned that there is a fish ladder here!

This is the upper end of it...

Cool! Anything fish related is, of course, of interest to a stuffie bear! But we have yet to discover the totem poles... will keep hunting... stay tuned.


  1. A beary wonderful hike! Love the waterfalls

    1. Us too. Waterfalls always make hikes more interesting.

  2. Is it more important to be on the bottom of the totem or the top? U can't long as there is a hike involved I'm in

  3. Replies
    1. Alas no snacks... must pull out the sekrebeary evaluation forms!
