Sunday, October 27, 2019

Beans, beans and more beans...

Uh... so we planted a lot of bush beans this summer and... we are harvesting a LOT of yellow beans now!

So many that we can't eat them all...

So we've taken to blanching them... and then freezing them.

First you have to cut off the ends and then into pieces and then in the double boiler....

Once they are blanched...

You dump them in cold water and...

Drain them and freeze them... we have an assembly line going here... must run and supervise!!


  1. You might need a separate freezer for all those beans.

  2. Bean soup, bean stew, bean casserole, candied beans, raw beans, bean salad, fried beans, bean sandwiches, frozen beans, stir fried beans, bean cake, bean cookies, bean lollipops,

  3. Jelly Beanie, String Beanie, Green Beanie, Kidney Beanie, Navy Beanie, Broad Beanie........ love Beanie's!!!!!!
