Saturday, May 25, 2024

Wildflowers Galore

Hullo!!! I am (was) out for a spring hike today (a few weeks ago). The spring flowers are out in this cool ecosystem. Ready??

First up... the chocolate lilies are just about to bloom!

They are sooo cool and one of my favourite flowers.

Then we have a Fairy Slipper orchid...

This is one of my favourite flowers too!

Then we have the Common Camas! Normally, I would just call it Camas but... stay-tuned and you'll see why we need to be specific...

It's beary beary pretty... such a lovely shade of purple!

I love it here!

The yellow flowers are called Spring Gold. Isn't that a cool name? Much better than Lomatium utriculatum... who can even pronounce that?

Wild hyacinths! With purple AND pink varieties... there are even some white ones...

Oh, and this one... definitely in the Top 5 of Favourite Flowers! 

It's a Shooting Star! It's actually in the primula family. Go figure. And is pollinated by "buzz pollination". What the heck is that? Read this short article... fascinating!

And then these.... are called Sea Blush... just reams and reams of them! So pretty!

And one last flower... this white cone-shaped one in front of me...

Is the Death Camas. Obviously... don't eat it. Or the bulbs... or leaves... or anything. Beary pretty but not safe. And it's Latin name sounds like something out of Harry Potter... ready? Toxicoscordion venenosum... uh-yeah... no... stay away... Even the pollen is poisonous!!! So how does it get pollinated?? By the Death Camas Miner Bee. Seriously... I do not make this stuff up. Isn't nature wonderful?


  1. Yikes. That Death Camas sounds scary. Make sure you take a bath when you get home to wash off all that pollen!

  2. I know, I had no idea it was so bad. It's so pretty though.
