Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tracking down some local totem poles

 Today is a brilliant blue day!!! And I am headed off to the local university because... my trip to Victoria got me thinking... we have totem poles here... I've found some before, but they weren't standing up....

So let's find the ones here!

Ah-hah!! I see them!

There are three totem poles here and they are not going to win "tallest totem pole in the world" award but... they are beary pretty.

They are also relatively new, so have bright colours on them.

We couldn't find anything that told us what the totems represented...

But I'm pretty sure there is a bear here somewhere...

Like... right there... maybe? Holding a salmon? Maybe...

Oh wait.... I see something!!!

Well, this is helpful!! Although this plaque doesn't tell me if that is a bear or not....

And one for another pole...

That write-up is for this one... They are quite spectacular... This is a wolf holding onto the fin of an orca.

And on top is a thunderbird holding a whale and below that is a warrior holding a spear.

Two of the totems went up in 2015 and the third in 2016... I know there are more totems elsewhere in town... might have to go on a totem pole hunt!


  1. Replies
    1. It's a mythical bird.

  2. Wait. Thunderbirdz aren't real.....hey is it better to be on top of totem or on bottom?
