Wednesday, July 6, 2022

A Mouse Departs on a GRAND Adventure

 Righto then! I'm here at the Seagull Airways aerodrome awaiting the departure of my connecting flight to Vancouver. It's another one of those sunrise flights. The early mouse gets the flight!

It's very pretty here.

Oh, you want to know where I'm going? Well, I'm not saying! Hmph... you can read about it in a blog sometime... Let's just say... there's yummy food and cousins!

Ah, there comes the sun... I better head for the departure gate...

So pretty... Seagull Airways sure picked a nice location for their aerodrome.

I've got my passport in my pocket (it's like Hermione Granger's bag... so much fits into that pocket, you'd never imagine!).

I'm hoping to get all sorts of stamps in my passport! It's brand new you know...

Oh, there's calling my flight... gotta run...

So pretty...

And... I'm on the boarding ramp... awaiting pickup!

And just like that, he's gone... That Seagull Airways moves fast you know... Have fun Cocoa!


  1. Good for you for having your own adventure! Why leave all the fun and excitement to Sandy, right? :)

  2. Wait... what???!!!! Cocoa left on a trip to England!!???? While I'm stuck in US customs!!??? nooooooooo....

  3. Replies
    1. Hmph... he left without me you know... he coulda waited... hmph...
