Monday, May 3, 2021

The Sunny Side

 Alrightee... here we are... we are at The Edge.... and somewhere, somehow there is a trail down there??!

Are you sure about this??

Ah yes... there it is... a beary sensible looking trail with steps and everything. Excellent.... let's go!

Some intriguing rock fall along here... and the trail has now become a goat track but... still quite doable.

What the...??? A ladder????

This trail has a ladder??? 

Why yes it does... luckily it's fastened quite securely and set in concrete... exciting stuff!

There are a bunch of strange signs painted on rocks along here and... we figured it out...

This is a rock climbing area!! See the cleats (or thingies) in the rock?

And more over there... this place is called The Sunny Side and is apparently a popular rock climbing area... 

But we are definitely not doing any rock climbing...

You can see all along here that the rocks have moved quite a bit. This is a horizontal abyss thingie...

And the Fawn Lily are blooming!!

They are so pretty....

Even their leaves are pretty....

OK... this is quite a scrambly hike... there are tonnes of boulders (house sized ones) that have come off that cliff at some point. Note to self... do not walk through this area during an earthquake...
It looks like we could climb down and squeak through where the boulder on the left is leaning on the boulder on the right but... we are not doing that today.

Finally made it to to the river!! Whew... but I don't know how swimmable it is... Right now the water is high but... even during the summer it looks a bit too rocky...

There are a lot of cave-like features here where boulders... hmph... is there a better word than "boulder", because we think of "boulder as only up to about a metre in size... but... no... boulder has no upper limit. OK then... house-sized boulder...

See... lots and lots of boulders here...

It would definitely be cool to come down here in the summer and see what it looks like...

There is apparently a deep pool downstream from here a few hundred feet but... there is no way we are going to be bouldering along here to get there...

For that... we need to go allllll the way back up and then find another trail....

These steps have ridiculous riser-heights... ooof... can you get up Cocoa???

We poked a bit farther along the rock climbing trail at the base of the cliff but it got into serious mountain goat terrain...

And goes into an area with over-hanging cliffs... might be neat to come here one day and see the rock climbers do their thing...

Some of the pitch names are... familiar... the Hundred Acre Wood!!! That's where Pooh and friends hang out!

Maybe we could have try a little pitch or two?? Maybe???


  1. The Hundred Acre Wood? Cool!! Let me know if you meet Pooh and the gang.

    1. Will do! I can't see Pooh doing any rock climbing... but maybe it's Roo who's the rock climber...

    2. True...Pooh seems more the type to sit on a comfy stump and do a little honey tasting.

  2. fun trip! do you normally carry a ladder in your backpack??

  3. I think you need a little climbing harness and some rope! And maybe a climbing helmet also...
