Monday, May 10, 2021

A Sugary Sunrise

 Good morning! We got up super early this morning so that we could catch the sunrise. We are a new place (for us) called... Sugarloaf Mountain! We think there is a sugarloaf stand somewhere on here.

These are the steps up the mountain. Well... technically it's more like a hill than a mountain... not very high at all. Maybe a 5 minute walk to the top!

But there are no trees on top and ... well... wow... that is quite a nice view.

I be we can see the ferry leaving at 6:30 am...

Oooh... do you see it? In the distance.. that's Mt. Baker down in Washington State. We hope it never goes kablooie... it's a dormant volcano, the explosive type like Mt. St. Helens.

And here comes the sun!!

You can't see them, but there were scads of people up here this morning as well... seems to be a popular sunrise spot...

And there goes the ferry... right on schedule. I hope all those folks have good sunglasses!

It sure is pretty up here.

and then... we found this Garry Oak tree... there is a guy sitting in it... move, buddy!

There we go... he's gone now. this is a super cool tree and Mama took tonnes of pictures...

Sooo many different angles...

Beary pretty... now...

Where is that sugarloaf stand?

What do you mean there's no sugarloaf stand??? None? Not even a Starbucks??? Sheesh!!!

This is false advertising!!!

And no... there was no snacks packed for this trip either. Hmph!

We did find a concrete foundation here... maybe there used to be a sugarloaf stand?

Or maybe there used to be a bigger antenna up here? I wonder what this antenna is for? Maybe we can send out a signal for an Uber delivery of sugarloaves??


  1. Mt Baker looks amazing. I too hope it doesn't go kablooey.

    Not even a Starbucks? I thought those places are everywhere. What about a Timmies?

    1. Nope... no Timmies either... there is a 7-11 nearby... 5 minute drive but no sugar loaf... sigh.

  2. No sugarloaf on Sugarloaf Mountain? What a bust!

  3. Beautiful photos! ...Jerry didn't notice any snack photos; he worries that someone forgot to pack the snacks.

    1. Sandy says he was expecting a sugar loaf snack and didn't supervise the packing beary well... sigh.

  4. The sunrise photos are beautiful!!! But minus one point for no snacks
