Monday, June 20, 2016

Long-Delayed Garden Tour - The Overview

Hullo. We know... it's been a beary long time since we posted... or commented!! Mama was down for the count with a nasty cold virus (4 weeks long) and while we had a few adventures... none of us three little bears are beary good with uploading photographs sooo... here we go!

Oh... and by the way... we think some little bear in rain gear (name unspoken) has been jinking the weather. We've had a lot of rain the last few weeks... but it finally got sunny today and... it's time for the garden tour!

First up...

Sandy and The Overview

It's us!!! Back again after weather and illness delays! Sylvester really needs to get his article for Bears Lairs magazine done... he's got another assignment coming up in Tuktoyuktuk (seriously?).

Let me begin by giving a tour... Sooo... here we have the south side of the yard. As you can see... we have a new fence! Sooooo much better than the old "fence"... let me dig up an archival photograph for comparison...

Do you see??? And the old railway ties that form a retaining wall looked pretty icky soo...

I supervised them being straightened, rebarred and clad with cedar off cuts from the fence. A bit of river rock and some driftwood and it makes a beary nice sitting area in the heat of the day.

And here we have the garden compound. With the new fence (and side gate) we are fairly deer proof so we were able to ditch the gates.

Here we have... basil, broccoli, red cabbage and some nasturtiums.

On this side... let's see... peas, sweet peas, dill, turnips, beets, carrots, lettuce and kale!

Since last fall, the beds have expanded and there are two new ones under the plum tree.

Oh... and I am going to supervise construction of a little arbor thing so our new kiwi can grow up it. Yes, that's right... kiwi!!

Anyhow... here is the garlic bed.... soft-necked garlics have been harvested and the stiff-necked ones will probably be ready in 2 weeks...

Straweberries are reaching the end of their time...

But you can still find the occassional one!

Here we have onions and leeks and green onions.

This old ladder holds some transplants in pots and is going to serve as a climbing tree for...

Squash and pumpkins! We hope... I told Mama that they planted wwaaaaayyyy too many squash seeds but did they listen to me??? No... so... there is squash everywhere...

 Here is the big potato bed with some sweet peas and beans along the trellis. The potatoes got way bigger than expected.

I told them they were planting too many things... but do they listen to me??? nooo... By the way... this will be a long post... sorry!!

Here in the front is the experimental potato box... separate from the big bed. The idea is that as the potatoes grow, you add extra boards and build the box higher. Then... when they are ready to harvest, you remove the bottom board and grope around in the dirt for potatoes... It's an experiment!

Let's see... down there on the slope are raspberries... they are just starting.

Mmmmmm... fresh raspberries!!!

And squash in big tubs...

And down this slope... acorn, delicata, blue pumpkin, banana and... butternut!

Lean-to with wood...

Side of shed bed with calendula, sweet peas, basil, crazy leeks from last year and parsley!

And... drum roll please... the piece de resistance!!! The new greenhouse!!

On the right we have tomatoes (and basil seedlings)...

Yep... they are getting big!

On the left there is a bed with basil...

And in the back left we have a bed with cucumbers and peppers... along with hanging pots of tumbler tomatoes.

Some salsa peppers...

Bell peppers... soooo cute!

This cucumber looks good enough to eat!

What else... well... butternut along the west side of the greenhouse... NOT doing well...

Along the south side... doing very well!

And this monstrosity... it started out so small 3 years ago... every year it gets bigger... It is a perennial poppy.

HUGE flowers that smell kind of like a cross between a freesia and a rose... sooo good!

And err... well... more squash along the side of the house... heh-heh... squash anyone???

Sylvester was... (we think) impressed!

"What a beary diverse garden!!! Thanks for the tour, Sandy, I will let you know when the article gets published!"

Bye Sylvester!!! Safe travels.

Next up... Jerry & Ben will highlight the flowers and herbs of the garden!


  1. Tuktuyuktiktuk - that's in Alaska, isn't it? We get a programme here called Ice Road Truckers and that's one of the places they go to!!! They're all a bit mad for doing that job.....

    1. Actually Nunavut... we see that Ice Road Truckers too! They have a rough job!

  2. Papa: wow....wOw....WOW...Jerry will never want to come back home! Your garden looks amazing! Some insect is eating bunches of our herbs...beary frustrating.

    1. Yes... not sure what is eating some of ours. Beary annoying... at least the slugs are keeping a low profile!

  3. Replies
    1. It's definitely been a busy spring. I think that's why Mama conked out and was sick the last little while. Over-work... not enough little bear time!

  4. The new fence (and garden) looks great! Can you come to our place and help us with our fence?

    I hope we will see more of Sebastian in the future.

    1. The fence was surprisingly easy (at least for a supervisory bear). The holes were probably the most work (for the humans). Once those are done... it goes pretty lickety split.

  5. AMAAAAZZZZIIIINGGGGG GARDDDDEEEEN!!! (and no, that's not Ooogie talking) wonderful! You'll have to give the humans some credit for it...

    1. Wellllll... a tiiiinnny bit of credit. But supervising so many projects has been beary stressful for this little bear. I need a holiday!

  6. Papa: With a relaxing garden like that, maybe Sandy should open a stuffies' bed and breakfast (heavy on the breakfast)!

    1. Bed and Breakfast - with honey, fresh strawberries & raspberries and clotted cream (to appeal to Beanie)... mmmm...

    2. If you are taking reservations for the B and B count me in. I will place my order for breakfast now: Four egg over easy, bacon, sausage, and Tim Horton's coffee.
