Friday, June 24, 2016

Garden Tour - The Herbs (by Ben)

Hullo. Ben here!!! I am going to geeve u a tour of Sandy's herbs!

Sandy has a beary compreehensive and healthy collection of herbs. Here we have some oregano... It is great in tomato sauce...

Some rosemaree... it goes well weeth cheeken...

Chives! They are good in many things... like salads or tuna melt sandweeches.

Sandy has a LOT of time... or thyme! Right now it is flowering and... attracting beez!

As you saw from Sandy's overview, he has planted a lot of basil. It is doing OK outside (even in pots) but this in the greenhouse is doing the best. We already harvested some!

But... as you can see here... something else is neebling the basil. We theenk it is earwigs... grrr...

While technically not an herb... Sandy's tomatoes are impressive and I couldn't resist pointing them out again.

Here we have a beary healthy clump of parsley... The one thing Sandy doesn't have is ceelantro... it tends to bolt here for some reezon...

Oh... and some green onions... they are yummy in salads.

 Before we go... I just wanted to show you Sandy's potting bench area under the rose bush arbor. Beary nice, isn't it?

And... while were here... the robins fledglings leapt from the nest!!

They jump out and then their parents call them to shelter under shrubbery and scrub where, for the next few weeks, they feed them worms.

He was pretty cute!

But Mama or Papa was not happy!

 Thees one was a bit slower to jump. We theenk there were 3 in all.

Nest is empty now...

Oh... and before we go (again)... Sandy as a water feature finally! Every garden needs a water feature... hint hint... and a greenhouse (triple hint).

The fountain attracts birds... they like to bathe and drink from it!


  1. Like the new banner photo! Are you three cloudgazing? You look like you're looking up into the sky.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great Tour Ben! I wish our basil (and tomatoes) are doing as well as Sandy's - sigh. We have about a week of sunny weather coming up - hopefully that will get those plants going.

    I am with Bark Knight (oh, I mean Droopy) that the cloudgazing banner photo is cool.

  4. Papa: wow! Your herbs are looking great! So many good delicious things one can make with them.
