Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Hello! Happy Halloween! I worked beary hard on my pumpkin and costume this year... And no... this is not my costume... although it is my pumpkin! I carved a ghost pumpkin this year (with a bit of help). As for my costume this year...

I carved a ghost pumpkin this year (with a bit of help). As for my costume this year...

Step aside stuffies... make way for the Guerrilla Gardener!!

Yes... it has taken me a while but... I am all ready to do some guerrilla gardening. What s a guerrilla gardener? Well... someone who goes around growing gardens where others see barren land.

Of course, working on the sly, like I do... I needed a good camouflage outfit. I think this works well. I have a head bandana, a scarf for the face and... a camo poncho... I blend well into the fall leaves.

And what am I planting? Well... call me Sandy Pumpkinseed (a la Johnny Appleseed). I am well-stocked. I have a backpack full of pumpkin seeds and my satchel too.

 But it's much easier to access my crossed-bandoliers which are stocked with pumpkin seeds.

Sandy Pumpkinseed, Guerilla Gardener signing off.

Thanks to Gramma for helping to sew the outfit!
Thanks to Droop for providing the material!
Thanks to Jerry & Ben for hosting the contest!


  1. Oh WOW!!!! So where's the first pumpkin patch????!

  2. great costume Sandy! and great pumpking carving also!

    that looks like... the bumblebee ribbon from your mystery prize pack?

  3. You look like Rambo...I mean, Ram-Bear. Glad the camouflage proved useful. It's very effective...I almost couldn't find you in that picture with the leaves!
