Saturday, March 21, 2015

First Day of Spring & the Spring Photo Contest

Hullo bears and not-a-bears (of which there are a fair few!).

Today is the official first day of Spring, although I know the East Coast of Canada may disagree... (they've had a tonne of snow in the last few days). And those of us on the West Coast may disagree since spring seems to have started about a month ago!

But anyhow... in honour of this fetching season, I thought I would host the

Spring Photo Contest

Soo... what does Spring mean to you? Is it Spring Flowers? Or Spring Insects? Or planting your Spring Garden? Or perhaps Spring Fashion? Or is it a Spring Holiday - like Spring Break or Easter or Spring Travel?

Please send your entries to me at littlecanadianbear  (at)  gmail (dot) com. Deadline is April 21. And this is a stuffie-only contest... although you may enlist the help of non-stuffies...


  1. Replies
    1. Great! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

    2. Jerry thinks that Sandy hasn't made a post in a week because he is too busy working in the garden, and Jerry thinks that is just not fair since we can't start gardening yet. Maybe you need a garden helper?

    3. Oh yes... life is far too busy here!! I definitely could use a garden helper. Maybe Jerry could sneak into a box and Ben could mail him up here? It's probably cheaper than an airplane seat...

  2. oo let me think of some ideas! thanks for hosting this contest Sandy

    1. Sounds good Ajdin! I'm sure you'll come up with something creative!

  3. Your outfit is very beeee-autiful, Sandy. And yes, we East Coasters definitely disagreed with it being the first day of Spring...we got 3-5 inches of snow. First day of spring, my tail!

    1. Awww... shucks... thanks Droop! I wondered if you guys were getting dumped on like the Maritimes did! Hopefully spring will come your way soon.

  4. Were you buzzing around the garden when you came up with the idea? Ha ha ha. I can't wait to enter the contest. Thanks for hosting.

  5. Ahhh... well that is a problem. Although, perhaps there is a neighbouring rooster who will break in and woo the hens? Thanks for the spring picture - cute!
