Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kitchen update

Hullo! This is where I am at supervising the kitchen makeover... This is what it looked like before we bought it...

The cabinets are now painted white! They were the same colour as the wall before which was... beary blah. Walls are going to be palest yellow... coming soon.

Apparently the walls used to be blue way back when... and some people don't remove outlet covers before they painted! I found this packet of marigold seeds tucked under the wall behind the baseboards... Jerry, do you think they are still any good? The packet says 1982 which Mama says is not that long ago... until she thought about it a bit. That's like back in the Middle Ages!

Hmmm... the stove got pulled out and apparently that's what the cabinets looked like when they were new... ick.

And now all the linoleum is pulled up... nail holes are spackled and just waiting for it to dry to be sanded, etc. etc.

I is doing a beary good job of supervising!


  1. Looks good! Sandy, you are a beary good supervisor, are you getting paid for your services in honey or hot chocolate? If you find some old honey from 1982, do you think you will eat it?

    1. Hmmm... didn't someone find honey in the pyramids?? It was beary old... older than the Middle Ages... and I think honey is good to eat as long as it is creamed honey?

  2. You're doing a great job Sandy! What's the pay like?

    1. Well, the pay reflects the amount of work I do... so today it was 2 hot chocolates worth!

    2. Oh, that's pretty good pay! Still, we'd suggest striking for more, at least a little jar of honey too! hehe

    3. Strike?? I don't know about that... we already had a power outage this morning and I think I angered the winter deities already... I'll be lucky to get one hot chocolate today! But I know there is honey squirreled away somewhere... but the kitchen is in an uproar so finding it might be an adventure!

  3. 1982 is a beary long time ago, 32 years. My human brother T's birthday is tomorrow and he was born in 1982. I wonder if he'd be amused to think he was born in the middle ages? TeeHee

    The kitchen is looking good, thanks for the update.

    1. Oh... um... well... I've only heard that 1982 was the Middle Ages... heh-heh... I'm a young bear you know, so anything past 2012 is pre-historic! Hmmm... Mama says that's not going to make anybody feel better!

      The kitchen is almost done... just need to do the baseboards and a few transition strips and put everything back. I can't wait to get at my honey stash again!
