Wednesday, November 6, 2013

NaNoWriMo Update - Day 6

Hmmm... Mama says I should be up to 10,000 words by today... I am at 8354, which isn't too bad. Basically I am one day behind schedule.My novel has taken a sharp turn sideways too! It started off as an autobiography novel and now it has morphed into a mystery novel! Of course, most of our lives are a mystery... if not to ourselves, then for sure to others! Ha-hah!! Hmmm...


  1. Ben says "Itz not the kwatitee, itz the kwalitee."

  2. Ah yes, Mama keeps reminding me of that. Although, I don't think that applies to honey... does it? Quality over quantity?? Hmmm... now there's a subject to ponder!

  3. Ahhhh... just checking! Some honey connoisseurs prefer kwalittee over kwantitee (imagine that!)

  4. "Iz thar such theeng az TOO much honee?? NEVER." giggles Jerry

    Chocolate, hot chocolate, coffee, and maple syrup...definitely quality counts!

  5. Oh yes... chocolate, beary important! Oh and friends too... Quality over quantity!! Mama says that comment means I'm an introvert...
