Tuesday, January 8, 2013

More Mail!

I got more mail!! I like Christmas!! I got so many cards and parcels... and it's always a mystery as to what is going to be in them... which is fun!

The card was from Bob T. Bear in England... there are some nice gift box stickers on the front... which I think Bob made with the help of his mum.

It was a beary lovely card and it said on the back that it had been made by hand by Bob and his mum... wow!!

Do you see?? It has a bear on it... but it's a three-dimensional bear - because it's not flush with the surface...
How did they do that??? Thanks Bob!

The second piece of mail was a parcel from Jerry & Ben!!

I wonder what's in here...
Oohh!! Candy-cane hot chocolate for Mama and an "extra" red coat for me!! Thanks guys!!

My motto is: "One can never have too many jackets"!! And if you'll excuse me for a moment... so I can go and get changed...

Voila!!! This could be my university student outfit!! You know, the students who go to class in the middle of winter dressed in shorts and flip-flops... with a winter coat!! Heh-heh... this outfit covers all eventualities... I could bring the red coat to Asia and if the sun goes behind the clouds and it gets cold, I can put my red coat on!


  1. It's such fun getting stuff in the post isn't it, Sandy! Love your new jacket :)

  2. That red coat is a perfect part of your school outfit Sandy! We can verify that students actually wear such ensembles. We hope your mom likes the hot chocolate too!

  3. @Feronia - Thanks - I think red looks beary good on me!

    @Jerry & Ben - Mama likes the hot chocolate lots! Thanks!

  4. We tried to find a human size red jacket so that you would match...but we we're successful. hehe

  5. Awww, thanks guys! Mama actually has a red windbreaker/rain jacket with a hoodie... we'll have to take a photo so you can see how we are almost twins! They say pet dogs take after their owners... does the same happen with little bears and their peoples???

  6. Who's that bear in the snazzy red coat? You look so different in red.

    Hoping my Christmas card catches up with you soon.

  7. The same is beary true for little bears and their human companions, hehe.

  8. @Hammie - We could have a Red Party!! Everyone wears their most fetching colour of red...

    @Jerry & Ben - Hmmm... I had wondered at that... I hope I don't start getting the occassional grey hair like Mama!
