Sunday, July 22, 2012

Flowers of the Prairie

Sandy was up bright and early this morning to go for a hike on the prairie. The last time he did a hike out there, it was spring and there weren't really any flowers, other than dandelions. But today was different! First off, Sandy found some very pretty, dainty, blue-bell flowers.
He's not sure why they are called blue-bells though, because they certainly look purple to him... except on the picture... where they do look kind of blue...

Hmm... they still look blue... maybe it's the wrong lighting?
Well, that's as good as it gets! Next... Sandy saw a very different type of flower which is called Basket Flower - not sure why - but then no one consults Sandy on flower names so...
They are very cheerful and almost look like a sun-flower but apparently that name has already been used for another type of flower.
And finally... last but most definitely not least... we have another purple flower called Bee Balm!! Yes... it must be favourite bee flower to receive such an auspicious name.
It is very pretty but it must have been too early for the bees because not a single one came by while Sandy was hanging around...
Mind you, the sun was just coming up over the horizon and the dew was still on the grass so maybe the bees don't get up as early as the bears!


  1. Those yellow flowers are beautiful!

    We are in Canada!!! We're currently in Toronto for 2 days, then back to the U.S. (blog post later). Ben woke up today and said that he was SURE that he would see you outside. Papa had to explain that Calgary was REALLY far away, so Jerry and Ben are sending you a postcard instead!

  2. Toronto is only a 4 hours flight from Calgary! Which is still a long way... a very very long way! Mama says we will be going to Winnie-peg (or Winter-peg... or Windy-peg) in August. I looked on a map that is right above North Dakota! I'm very excited because I might get to meet Mr. Bee-Keeper while we're there and maybe eat some honey comb right out of the hive!! Mmmmmm....

    I hope you guys are having fun in Toronto... Are you going to go up the Tower and stand on the glass floor (scary!)...

  3. Toronto is fun! Beary beautiful buildings and we love the lake. We're not sure we're going to the Tower--Papa does not really like beary tall heights, but Jerry would love to see it. We saw the Combs estate (wow!), and we're going to the Eaton center and probably the Hockey Hall of Fame (yeah!).

    North Dakota is right above were we live, South Dakota! They are beary big states!

  4. Yes... we both live in beary big countries! I'll have to be patience and pester Mama some more...
