Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Vegas's Mini-France

Hullo! Today we are headed next door to our hotel... to Paris! We are not sure why there is a golden horse outside of Planet Hollywood...

Right... here we are... do you seeeee??? They have an Arc de Triomphe!!

And an Eiffel Tower!!

Plus a beary fancy hotel...

I wonder if they sell hot chocolate in here...

We are walking to the Arc... it's taking a while...

Cause Mama and her sister are taking all sorts of pictures of architecture... they went to Paris together way back in the olden days...

Ta-dah!!! The Arc in miniature... obviously not as big as the one in Paris but still...

A pretty good replica...

And we got a pic with both the Eiffel Tower and the Arc!!

Let's get closer... so we scampered across the 3 lanes of hotel entry lanes and over the chain fence and...

They even have the engravings on the inside...

Beary nice...

Sooo many photographs to take...

Ooooh... that one's nice...

Enough photos!!!

Ohhhh... a drain cover... probably a fake one...

But we'll take it... wonder if Beanie will like this one?

Soooo hot out.... need a drink... cerveza... hot chocolate... noooo... cold chocolate!!