Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Rolling Towels for Sandy's Bearbnb

 Ugh... I HATE duvet covers... urg... where did that corner gooooooo???

Oh... I have viewers... errrr...

Hello!! Let's leave that duvet cover for the humans, shall we? Yes... Today we are going to roll towels!!!

Easy peasy! First... you lay the towel flat, on a bed is a good spot. We are doing a bath towel first...

Then you take the bottom left corner and fold it up so the top of the towel is parallel to the far long edge...

Then you fold it in half lengthwise, flipping the bottom half up to that same long edge...

Now you turn the whole thing upside down and make sure it's not rumpled...

Now... you come to this end and start rolling...

Just rolling... making sure the edges stay aligned... you are aiming for that tip at the end...

Almost there!!!

Then you take that tip bit and just tuck it into the end.

Voila! Rolled towel!

And it looks pretty too!!!

Surprisingly... the wash cloths are the smallest (that's not a surprise) AND the hardest... so hard to get that end tip tucked in properly! Anyhoo... onwards to making the bed...

Flip and tuck and smooth...

Now pillows in pillow cases...

Almost there!

Not bad if I do say so... now we just need the throw blanket across the foot of the bed and...

Our rolled towels!!! With a couple of surprises yet to come...

Next Wednesday... cleaning... so much cleaning 


  1. Replies
    1. Hmmmm... I just did a search and couldn't find one. But a towel bear... that is another matter -
