Monday, January 2, 2023

Sandy's December Return from Oregon

**Editor's Note - this is Sandy arriving home on Dec 15...**

Hello... yes... it is I, Sandy Bear... this is a long story!!! I went to visit Little Fox in Oregon in late September... and had great fun!!! In late November... I boarded my flight for home. I have a sneaking suspicion that two mice were involved in my itinerary... or paid off the pilots at Canada Goose Airways!!!

You would think... I would fly direct from Oregon to Vancouver Island... a paltry 400 km... easy peasy!!!!

But no!! First... I went on a road trip south (yes... south)... all the way down to LA! I'm not sure what Canada Goose Airways was thinking... maybe the had supply chain issues???? And then... you would think I would fly from LA to Vancouver... but no... it was off to San Francisco for me!! But surely a flight to Vancouver from there??? No!!!

This little bear then caught a flight allllllllll the way across the country to Toronto!!! Seriously... I have had the worst luck with flights this year... And then.. I got stuck in Customs for a week...

And then... sigh... well... let's just say... it took a long while to get to Vancouver!

I'm not sure about Canada Goose Airways anymore... might have to try Eagle Airlines or Seagull Aviation next time!!!

And then... I get home... stagger in the door... and find an empty house!! With this note!!!

Those mice... left without me!!! To Mexico!!!!

They don't know this little bear very well... just give me a minute!

I'm back... and I'm ready... except... it is cold out there...

So let me just... ooff... get dressed...

There we go!!! I am an adventurer!! I am capable!! I can catch the ferry and the plane by myself... hmph!!!!

... leave me behind again... hmph... not on your life... hmph!

**editor's note.... we shall see how this goes...


  1. Well, don't blame all of your travel woes on Canada Goose air. The humans down here could have sprang for an upgraded class of service. Glad u arrived safely.
