Wednesday, November 9, 2022

A Seafaring Mouse Needs a Passport!

 Soooo... you know that Navy Beanie's passport got lost during the Great Mouse Island Tsunami... and he's thinking he needs a new one.... cause you just never know...

So... first up, a photograph!

Hmmm... that one ear looks funny... hang on...

There, that's better!

Say... CHEESE!!!!!

Alright, while that's printing, let's get  the form filled out...

errr... OK... that was super efficient printing of the photo!

anyhow... back to the form... I think that's it... just need your signature and...

There we go!!! Passport is already to go... more or less... just need to bind it and...


Now, all we need to do is send it to the Passport Office of the United Squeaks of Rodentia and get the official stamp and cover... hope it gets back in time... yes... certain stuffies have a trip planned (not to the UK mind you...).