Monday, December 27, 2021

Chefs Sandy & Cocoa

 OK... so this post got lost in the onslaught of photographs in October! We saw that Beanie Mouse had made a super yummy tomato soup and... Mama had friends coming for lunch so we thought... tomato soup would be great! And we had some of our garden tomatoes in the freezer... so let's get started!

That's a lot of tomatoes, isn't it?? Too many??

There's never "too much" tomato soup!


First we need some garlic...

Yowzers... those are big cloves (they're from the garden)...

Is that too much garlic?

There can never  be too much garlic!

Exacterly!! As long as everyone has some... we're good!

There is a lot of chopping and dicing involved... lots of onion...

And we are tossing in some shredded zucchini... because we can!

Oh... and we had no celery...

But we had lots of carrots...

Now... sautee onions and carrots and celery (if you have it... which we didn't)...

Smells yummy already!

And then we need some spices like... hmmm.... no rosemary!

But that's OK

Cause we have backup rosemary... all I need are some scissors

And grab some fresh rosemary from outside!

And... other spices... and some veggie broth... and the tomatoes and...

There we go... now we just let it simmer for a while...

And when that's done... run it through the blender...

Mmmm.... that looks good!!

We'll let you go as this blending business is taking forever. But... just so you know... the soup was scrumptious!!!


  1. Yummmm!!! We made some of that last week...... ate it all up too!

  2. You can never have too much garlic. Other people just need to watch out for your garlic breath though....

    1. Well, yes... that's why everyone at lunch had to have soup!
