Saturday, July 14, 2018

Island Adventures

Hullo! Goodness... it's been a long time since I posted... sigh... you know the story... sekrebeary falling down on the job. I have been having adventures... so she gets high marks for that... just sad marks for the follow-through! Anyhow.. we went on an island adventure!

We are going over to Newcastle Island on the little bumble-boat...

That's the waiting area down there... but I don't see a boat... it must be coming.

Oh, I see it... way off in the distance...

Oooh... there was also this eagle hanging around waiting as well... don't think he's catching the boat though.

There it is!!

And here we are!! It's sooo nice over here. Lots of people bring their kids to spend the day.

As do the Canada Geese...

I think these goslings are getting swimming lessons...

 Alright, let's go!

Nice totem pole... the lower figure is a bear...

And this one has a beaver down below... see the big teeth and the tail?

Oooh... this tree has been cut down since we were here last - you can see the rot in part of it. Maybe it came down in a wind storm and they tidied it up?

The tide is going out so let's see what we can find...

There's a dead sand dollar...

And a golf ball...

Maybe it floated here from some golf course?

There's a live sand dollar...

And tracks from... sea gull?

It's so nice here... we also found an upside down starfish on the sand...

So we turned him right side up and put him in some water but... it was kind of shallow...

So we put him in some deeper water... that's better!

Those little crabs sure have good camouflage!

 And there's an oyster here too... well, lots of oysters... but we only took a photo of this one.

I think these hole-y sandstones are sooo cool! Apparently... they are created by salt weathering/erosion... huh... go figure.

And some of them make perfect hiding spots! Can you spot me?

This is a perfect place to play stuff hide 'n' seek!

Even some of the logs are full of holes... but those are from teredo worms I think.

So much for a little bear to explore along the shoreline!

Alright... let's mosey along the island and see what else we can find.

Nifty trees in weird shapes.

It's so peaceful here... and hardly any of those human folk around!


  1. Looks like a wonderful place to hike! The totem poles are beautiful.

  2. Aw, glad you saved the starfish! And looks like you found a new bear cave.
